A site about "competitive" foods; e.g., my chile is better than yours. Also covering food fermentations; sourdough bread, pickles, cured, and smoked meats, cheese, seafood, and food and foodways.
Somehow, in my learning to cook and loving to cook, I have lost my balance and reason. And I say this only as I have myself at a point where purchasing batteriede cuisine is not a consideration, even though I make only ONE dish in that piece of equipment.
Case in point:
The Chinese Sand Pot
This casserole, used for Lion's Heads (sometimes Manes) Meatballs. ONLY! I could make other casseroles in it, but I fear the chemistry of the pot and the bokchoy will be changed. There are plenty of recipes on the 'net for Lion's Heads, and I won't give one as mine isn't at all dissimilar from those. I purchased this at:
AiHoa Supermarket 860 N Hill St Los Angeles CA 90012-2369 (213) 629-8121
it was $12 and the largest sand pot I've ever owned. I purchased my first one sometime in the late 70s and it was $12 back then. My new one measures about 10" across and 5" tall. It will make making the huge 4 ounce meatballs easier. Ai Hoa also has prickly ash oil.