Tuesday, August 11, 2020

More Mustard Recipes circa 1900


The mustard seed contains two different oils, a fixed and
fat oil, which is in the pit itself, the other volatile and essen-
tial, contained in the envelope of the seed. The fixed oil is
sweet and can be compared to cotton seed oil; it is without
taste and can be used for all purposes. However, absorbed
alone at the dose of two ounces it is purgative and acts as
castor oil. It freezes only at very low temperature and keeps
great length of time before turning rancid; it is therefore suit-
able for oiling delicate machinery, clocks and watches.

The essential oil evaporates spontaneously at a temper-
ature of 123° Fahrenheit; its odor is as strong and power-
ful as that of ammoniac gas, one drop on the tongue produces
a great pain such as a burn and it is felt through the throat
and the stomach, in the same time producing great inflamma-
tion of the eyes. It dissolves easily in water, vinegar, and
burns with a large bright flame.

It is this volatile oil that gives the mustard its peculiar
flavor and strength.


There are two ways of preparing the mustard flour,
which, mixed with vinegar is the condiment of interest here.

By the "French process" the seeds slightly moistened by
addition of a little water and finely ground in a mill, the flour
obtained is directly used to prepare the mustard.

By the "English process" the seeds are first pressed and the
greater part of its fixed oil (sweet oil) extracted, the dry pulp
that is left contains all the essential oil ; this pulp is ground and
constitutes the English powdered mustard. The English mus-
tard is therefore much stronger than the French, but the latter,
containing all the sweet oil, is much softer and has a more deli-
cate taste.

English prepared mustard is merely English process mustard flour mixed with light vinegar and a little salt; the addition of wheat flour is an adulteration.


Mustard flour, 10 lbs.
Strong vinegar, 10 qts.
Salted cucumbers, 5
Ground pepper, 5 oz. 

Cloves, 1/2 oz.
Cinnamon, 1/2 oz.
Nutmeg, 1/2 oz.

Use "French process" mustard flour.

Boil the vinegar, add the mustard and spices, then add ihe
cucumbers. Crush into liquid paste.


Mustard flour, 10 lbs.
Parsley, 5 oz.
Celery, 5 oz.
Taragon, 5 oz.
Chervil, 5 oz.
Salt, 2 oz.
Sugar, 2 oz.
Citric acid, 1/4 oz.
Salted anchovies, 4
Garlic, 2 cloves

Add sufficient quantity of strong vinegar.


Parsley, 4 oz.
Water cress, 4 oz.
Shalotts, 3 oz.
Celery seeds, 3 oz.
Cinnamon, 1/2 oz.
Nutmeg, 1/2 oz.
Cloves, 1/4 oz.
Pepper, 1/4 oz.
Thyme, 1/4 oz.

Crush and infuse two weeks in one gallon of strong vinegar
then add

Mustard flour, 10 lbs.
Salt, 4 oz.
Olive oil, 3 oz.

Make heavy paste, then add vinegar to reduce to proper thickness.


Celery,    8 oz.
Parsley,  6 oz.
Chervil,  6 oz.
Scallion, or shalotte, 6 oz.
Nutmeg, 1/2 oz.
Pepper,  1 oz.
Cloves,  1/2 oz.
Cinnamon, 1 oz.
Thyme,  1/2 oz.
Taragon, 1/2. oz.

Crush and infuse two weeks in one gallon vinegar, then add:

Mustard flour, 10 lbs.
Salt, 2 oz.
Olive oil, 4 ozs.

Add necessary quantity of vinegar.


Mustard, 10 lbs.
Parsley, 10 oz.
Pepper, 1 oz.
Sugar, 2 oz.
Citric acid, 3 oz.
Nutmeg, 1/4 oz.
Garlic, 2 cloves
Salted anchovies, 1 lb.
Vinegar, quantity req'red.


Use English process mustard flour.

Mustard flour, 10 lbs.
Tomato pulp, 18 lbs.
Salt, 6 oz.
Cayenne pepper, 1/8 oz.
Citric acid, 1/2 oz.
Vinegar, quantity req'red

The tomato pulp must first be reduced by boiling to a very
thick paste.


English process:
Mustard flour, 10 lbs.
Grated horseradish, 7 lbs.
Salt, 6 oz.
Pepper, 1 oz.
Vinegar, quantity req'red

Originally the French mustard was made in equal parts of
mustard, green grape juice and vinegar plus the tomatoes. In
modern days the citric acid has taken place of the green grape
juice, which was only obtainable during a short period of the

Parsley, 12 oz.
Pepper, 1 oz.
Cloves, 1/2 oz.
Taragon, 6 oz.
Bay leaves, 1/2 oz.

Crush and infuse in one gallon vinegar two weeks, then add:

French process mustard flour, 6 lbs.
Dark green vinegar pickled cucumbers, 10 lbs.
Salt, 4 oz.

Crush to make fine paste and add necessary quantity of vinegar.